Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 30th

You will notice that my last letter or rather the first page of this letter was commenced upon the wrong side of the page, don’t let it bother you. This morning as usual I was up in time for sick parade, my servant calls me every morning at 8.30, gets my things together, brushes my boots and fetches water for me to wash in – the sick list this morning was nothing much. The morning was most bright and beautiful, the sun shining through the clear bright atmosphere, the mercury stood at 18º below zero, but we did not feel the cold. After breakfast I set about making the mattresses and at noon I rode down to Kanouse’s and fetched Brooks up to the Hospital, he stood the journey pretty well. I got him safely into bed – and I fancy he is pretty comfortable. I had lunch then and then read a little medicine – Mr. Weatherwax, a trader, was up here today to enter a lot of horses that he had just brought from Benton, and said that his train was a day behind + had an immense mail for us – probably it would be up tomorrow. He expects it about 3 o’clock at his place and thinks by 4 o’clock it should be here. I hope it is true – that there is a mail – there seems to be no doubt – but as to its size and whether it is all the mail matter that has accumulated in Garry for us during our absence is another question. Shall I go on telling you of my associates? I have told you of Winder and Jackson and Denny – Denny knows T.C. Patteson, met him way off in Illinois, they both come from the same county in England. Welch is another young Englishman. His father has command of the Queen’s Yacht. Welch was rather inclined to be wild and was sent out to America to travel – he has been in Buffalo working there + has gone through Charleston Savannah Florida + New Orleans. He put up finally at Ottawa I believe he had some Government situation there – he joined the force as a Private or Sub-Constable was are they called – and through Political influence was made an officer. He is a little stout chap with a curling lip, knows snatches of nearly every song that is going but although not a bad fellow to meet with, I do not exactly like him, perhaps I judge him too harshly. I do not think I could trust him, he would not have the slightest scruple in getting a person into trouble is he happened to take a dislike to him, + he is continually taking dislikes to people. Allen is a Canadian, son of Dr. Allen solong Mayor of Cornwall he is a broth of a boy – a man without principle + coarse – but he is good humoured and jolly + easy to get along with – does not drink although he swears worse than any trooper – I am living with him now – in preference to being with Winder and Jackson – Crozier is an Irishman by birth, but has lived for a very long while in Canada and claims the proud title of Canadian. He is a Belleville man – has been in the Registrar’s Office in Belleville – he is tall rather nice looking and excellent company, good natured, does his duty well, and might be called a good square-toed fellow – he is older than the other three sub Inspectors. He’s acting Adjutant to Col. MacLeod. But now I must say good night. Oh what joy awaits me tomorrow, for I am sure to get letters from you – even if they are old, they will be in your own dead handwriting. God bless you.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fort MacLeod Dec. 29th 1874

My dearest Lizzie

I am now writing in the Mess Room. Denny is lying down upon one of the benches trying to take a snooze – he is on duty to day as Orderly Officer & his duties do not end until after 12 tonight when he has to visit the guard – so he is lying down and I am to wake him when I go out or when it is 12 o’clock. I am not in the best temper in the world – I have just been beaten in two games of chess – and I feel angry at myself for allowing such a trivial affair to vex me as much as it does. And I have come to you to be comforted & petted into a better humor – I hope dearest it will even be so – and that I will never come to vent my illfeeling upon you. Such an act always appears so cowardly to me – that I do not think I could even do it – not that I am a very brave man – but it is so small + mean + I do not think I am either small or mean in my ways. What are you doing to night? Do you remember this night a year ago? I think I was in London – and if I am not mistaken – we had a dance at the Fergusson’s – perhaps tho’ I have gotten things mixed a little. I do not remember exactly and have not my note book at hand to refer to. I recollect Xmas day carving a lot of Turkeys at the hospital and then coming down and carving some more at your house + it seems to me that the Cameron’s had me to dinner then too Did they or did they not? Last Evening after I had given your letter to “Foy” (that is the name of the man going into Benton) I came back + the Mess Room, Conrad was there and after a little talk, he went away and took the Col. with him – we young chaps are left in the Room and began dancing jumping kicking + various other performances. Calculated to enliven our minds + improve our muscles. The carpet on our Mess Room floor is one warranted to stand any amount of ill or rough usage being as the latest authorities state at least one mile in thickness. After that we went to bed. To day I, after visiting the Hospital , had breakfast, + then endeavoured to get a team to bring Brooks up from Kanouse’s, but they were all engaged in the morning, and I did not want to bring him up in the afternoon, thought it too cold. I also got from Quartermaster’s Stores some heavy canvass to make mattresses of, but could not get the tailors to sew this bag together. This occupied me most of the morning. The remainder I spent endeavouring to solve some of the Chess problems Jack was so kind as to send to me. I succeeded in solving one or two – of one I had the greatest satisfaction of knowing it to be correct as I happened to have the answer at hand – the others are solutions but whether Correct or not I cannot say. Then came lunch and after lunch I had my hair cut, and the rest of the short afternoon I had some medicine. After dinner Ferland my Hospital Seagt. came over to my room and I read with him for a while, then came in + played a couple of games of Chess with Denny in both of which he beat me, he is now three games ahead of me, and then I came to you to comfort me. Oh, Liz, my own precious darling what would I not give to have you by my side, and feel your soft hand stroking me gently, or playfully slapping the wolf from my back. You can’t think how lonely I feel sometimes, so utterly helplessly alone, how I long for some one who once knew something of the things that used to interest me or of the people I was associated with. At times the feeling is so strong over me that I am in utter misery, but you even when so far away have still the supreme power of chasing away all such gloomy or wretched feelings. If I cannot write to you and feel you talking to me just at the moment, I can think of you, no one can prevent my doing that + no duty however arduous or in need of my closest attention can sever my thoughts from you or prevent them from wandering back to you. And do you want to know about y comrades + fellow officers? Who shall I begin with? Denny? He is now sleeping on the hard wooden bench. He is to begin with an Englishman + Son of an English Clergyman, Dean Denny (I believe) and according to his own story has spent a good deal of money there trying to farm, he is going on 23 and fine looking, with quite a handsome face + is quiet and gentlemanly in his deportment, and altogether is a very nice fellow, he might be called a little strange at times, but I suppose, he like others gets a fit of the blues at times. He is very generous to me and as far as I can learn to all others, the Officers, at least some of them teaze him a good deal about his American experience and he is given to drawing the long bow at times. But he is very consistent and sticks well to a story, not matter how improbable it might appear – Good night now my dear it is 12 o’clock and I must go.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Dec. 28th Monday.

Last night it grew steadily colder until the thermometer sank to 24º below zero. It was a pretty cold morning. The sun however rose bright & clear. I got up about half past eight and at nine went over to the Hospital. I had quite a number sick today – most of them trying to get off work on account of the cold. After I had polished them off a man came in with a toothache and wanted me to draw his tooth. I told him to come back in a half hour – as I wanted to get breakfast first. His tooth was not paining him then so he could wait with a pleasant anticipation.

Dear Liz, how glad you make me feel when you tell me that you have not been altogether unhappy with me. I am so thankful that my little girl is not too lonely all by herself – and if she thinks of me – she knows that. My darling – you speak of a womans definition of Loving. Do, Act, Love as your own true heart dictates and I will be satisfied – so thoroughly that no doubt or shadow of a doubt shall ever enter my mind. Mrs. Brownings map of Loving is extremely fine – but when did you begin to read her poetry? She is a fine writer and has some very deep glimpses into Human feeling. I am glad for Annie Taylors sake if your modified opinion of Mr. R. is the proper one. His Father was a fine man – and no one appears to know of anything tangible against Mr. R. Poor Liz – how any one can twist you round their finger and make a friend of you by saying a good word of me. I received your beautiful blue feather. I am glad you enjoyed your moonlight drive. I think the difference in time is about 3 or 4 hours. It takes 15º Longitude to the hour we are about 176º - and I do not know exactly the meridian of Toronto – but I think there is about 4 hours difference. But for the present I must say goodbye. I will be back again to talk with you in a few minutes. I pulled the man’s tooth for which he was deeply grateful and have now come back to you.

I am afraid that the report about the increase of salary is without foundation – at all events I have officially heard nothing about it and with regard to the disbandment of the Force – the appointments of new officers – hardly looks astho’ they were going to break it up again. So you don’t want me back again eh? Never mind I don’t believe you – and I will come back as soon as possible. Your beautiful pouch is very acceptable to me. Poor Liz. I am afraid that you are very lonely sometimes in spite of the cheery tone of your letters. I know I am. Your poor rose bud which you picked on Sunday Nov. 1 & were so careful in pressing was all broken up by the transit. I will keep the leaves however because your dear hands picked it. Dr. Gunn got hold of a very nice & extremely pretty little English girl in Janie Jones. She will prove very useful to him – she is handy & quiet. I always pictured our future home with a servant like Janie – noiseless & effective. Poor old woman to go busying your little head with such grand plans for me. Dr. Jukes would I am afraid not like to take your word for my efficiency and no one can tell whether we would get along together. I must confess that the plan would be very pleasant. But you must not look so high for me. remember Dr. York’s cottage or hovel – in Orangeville. That is the sort of place to be in. You remember too what you said when I showed you the house. In regard to my promotions all I have to say is with You & Saida – “only hope it is so” Poor Saida and her grand secret – what an insane idea. Out here in the Far West we are not so careful of our hair as Miss Taylor was. I laughed a good deal over her sitting up so stiffly on her chair. I am sorry that you were disappointed in the rejection of Dr. Jukes – especially as it knocks all our 'Chateau En Espange’ endways. Thank you very kindly for the relations you have discovered for me I do not know however that I particularly care for a lot of new relatives. Perhaps however they may come in useful some of these days and we will then lay claim to them – as to their wills if they ever make any. I would not count much upon them. The messenger who was to have started to Benton today has put off his departure until tomorrow – so I will have time to finish this letter to you. I have not been able to get a sketch of the square for you yet – but will send some Indians that I have managed to get hold on in various places and have stuck them into one piece of paper. On the back of the paper was a scene of our tent life. Jackson’s bed had a coat spread over part of it and my bed can just be seen in the corner behind the stove – which the foot of it is occupied by my leather satchel which can be partly seen at the end of the stove. I expect the lead will be pretty well rubbed by the time you got them. And now I must say goodbye for a little while I must go get some lunch. After lunch I had to make up a liniment for a man at Fort Kipp 14 miles from here – he has a sore leg. Then I had to go and see Brooks, it was a pretty cold tramp down there & my face was pretty white when I arrived at the house. Brooks is about the same. I am going to try and get him moved up into the Hospital tomorrow. I hope it will not be too cold for him. On New Year’s days we are going to have a lot of games races etc. Open to the world I should not be surprised but what we should have a very gay time. A foot ball match opens the proceedings & a squaw Race and an Indian Pony race are the chief points of interest in the afternoon. I am trying to write and there are three young fellows making fun of one another & laughing so I am very liable to make mistakes - & to get mixed. You must not expect to have a very very long letter this time – as so many interruptions have occurred that it has been almost impossible to keep my mind down to the subject – and now I must again say Good bye. Perhaps after dinner I will be able to add a few cross lines to this. Can you read these crossed letters? If you cannot, tell me and I will be careful in future not to cross them. I only do it because it saves the bulky appearance of the letter. So good bye. I have only time to end this off now & with love to all I am

Your own

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Dec. 27

This morning I began my usual day work by getting up at 8.30 going over to the Hospital at 9 – seeing the sick, there are very few – then breakfast and at Eleven o’clock we had Church parade. The second time since October 13th when we arrived here. Good night my darling.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fort MacLeod N.W.T. December 26th 1874

My darling Liz

It seems such a time since I have written to you but it cannot be very long for your letter has not gone yet. It was the 24th Thursday that I finished it, and in a great hurry I was too. I do not recollect if I told you that I have moved again or not. You know that I was in the room with Capts. Winder & Jackson- we had lived together for some time. I did not like all their ways & at last it became almost unbearable and I told them plainly that I was tired of their fun. Winder is a very changeable man – one moment he is your best friend the next he turns around and abuses you like a pick pocket. I determined at last that I could live more comfortable with some one else. So on the morning of the 23rd I moved my goods & household goods - & [ ] up in Allen’s house – the ‘B’ Troop officers quarters. The large room 20 ft by 18 ft is divided into 3 rooms – Allen has one I the other & the third is a common siting room. We have a coal stove and altogether things are much more comfortable than they formerly were.

After lunch on the 24th I got Denny to come with me we went down through the bush towards Kanonsis, both with rifles. I saw four fine deer - & at last saw some more deer far off from the immediate bank of the river feeding on the hill side as it slopes down from the prairie to the river bottom – we made a wide detour climbed the steep hill & got on the prairie level & crept towards the deer – got above them & fearing to try & get nearer fired at a long range & missed them. There were six of them – we were very much disgusted and came home after calling at Kanonsis & finding Brooks much better. We got into camp just as the bugle sounded the ‘Dress’ for dinner – our dinner was very nice – the table laid with a sheet as a tablecloth – it is the only sheet in camp. After dinner I went to my room & with Feland my Hosp. Sergt. began to dissect some eyes of a deer. I finished them during the evening altho’ I was interrupted by various calls as secretary of the Mess Committee.

Christmas day of course was observed as a Holy day. In the morning Capt. Jackson fired off our big gun with shells at an old tree & struck a branch of it cutting it off completely. The Pow wow that was to have taken place the day before was put off on account of all the Indians not being able to get here. Instead we are to have it on Christmas. All the morning we are busy making moltors to be hung around the room. They were painted in vermillion on white cloth & looked very well. “The Nor’ West Mounted Police Pioneer of a glorious Future” “Law & Order is Peace and Prosperity” “Our absent Friends – God Bless ‘em” How my heart echoed back ‘God Bless them’ How I wonder then what you were doing and where you were. I knew wherever you were and whatever you were doing you would think of me. Did you not old woman. I know you did, but I want to hear you say you did. How I would like to see you & hear you speak fold you in my arms once again. Oh Liz when I come back we won’t separate again for so long will we? I don’t think I could be happy after seeing you again – to leave you for so long.

At Two o’clock the Indians came and we took them out on the prairie to show them the effect of our artillery at a long range – they were greatly impressed thereat - & after returning to the Mess Room we proceeded to feed them, Biscuit – rice & Molasses - & Coffee – they eat until they were pretty full then the Col. taking the chiefs aside talked to them. The squaws came and had a share in the good things going – some of them were quite handsome for squaws but all of them dirty. The young ‘Bucks’ were all dressed to kill – feathers & paint & furs gaudy blankets & beads. They all went away quietly about 5 o’clock. The men of the Troops had invited their respective officers to dinner at their quarters in the middle of the day & from what I can hear they had most sumptuous repasts. Our dinner was not to despised as the enclosed ‘Bill of Fare’ will show you. The last course finished we had a small jar of whiskey brought on the table – a present from Benton – and in whiskey we drank to our ‘absent friends’. No other toast was drunk & no speech was made for none was required. Then sitting round the table smoking we talked of Christmases gone by – of friends & home – about eleven o’clock we went over to ‘B’ Troop to a dance & concert given by the men. Some of the songs were excellent – the dancing quite enjoyable & the remained of the evening passed in revelry about 12 we went to ‘F’ Troop for supper & then had oysters, canned fruit, pies – rice pudding, plum pudding - & lots of it. The Interpreter then sent for the squaws and at 2 o’clock they came over and danced – we gave them some supper and 4 o’clock saw the end of the Christmas Day. I guarantee that such a Christmas had never been seen in the Nor’ West. Everyone is expected to have a gloomy sad time but the united efforts of men & officers managed to dispel the gloom – and if Christmas was not exactly merry it was at all events pleasant. The next day as you may well imagine I slept till 9 o’clock & had breakfast before I went to the Hospital. There were only one or two on the sick parade about 11 o’clock – an old Indian whom we have nicknamed [ ] the Morning Paper from his regular morning visits & retail of news – brought his squaws over to the Col. to get some dresses the Col. had promised them last night for dancing. We made them dance again gave them some thing to eat and some dress patterns and sent them away again. I went down to Kanonsis and found Brooks still doing well. I went down with Welch instead of Denny this time. After dinner – I had a couple of games of chess with Denny in both of which I was pretty badly beaten. The other officers had gone over to the Indian camp to have another dance or rather to see one you can only take part in a squaw dance if a squaw asks you otherwise you have to be merely a spectator. It is a most ludicrous sight – to see them. They stand in a circle all facing towards the centre & she who is leader & has the drum to tomtom starts a singing a droning kind of a groan & beats on this tomtom – the others keeping time in a series of short jumps keeping their feet together - & gradually the circle moves round. The leader gets more & more excited – beats his drum harder and quicker – his song gets more excited until he sings beats & jumps himself out of breath. Then they all take a rest.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dec. 24th.

I have been so busy lately that I have not been able to talk with you for a long time. On Tuesday I went down again to Kanonsis and also came back. In the evening we had a Mess meeting for the purpose of organizing the officers mess. A committee was appointed consisting of Capts Winder & Crozier & myself. Winder was President and I am Secretary – we pledged ourselves to have dinner in the Mess Room tomorrow (i.e. the 25th) at 6 P.M. To do this it was necessary to work like slaves the next morning. Our Room had to be lined & cleaned – the stove had to be put up, the kitchen utensils, the table service & the rations from the various troops & many other little things. Then too in the morning I was engaged in moving all my goods and chattels from Winder’s to another troop officers quarters. Then in the afternoon I had to go down to Kanonsis & then dinner & immediately after dinner I had to go down again to Kanonsis & did not get back until 11 o’clock. And now this morning I hear that a mail is going to Benton and it closes at 12 and I have been so busy in the Hospital in the morning that it is eleven o’clock before I have a chance to sit down and finish my letter. So you must excuse all inaccuracies and illegible parts and if you can’t make out al I mean to say, you must imagine what I am trying to say. I am writing on the Mess table now – and a great deal of talk and laughter is going on around me. I received a letter from Mother dated the 22nd Nov. from Savannah. I have been much more fortunate than the other members of the force in regards to letters. To day there is going to be a great Pow-wow. All the Indian chiefs from far and near have been invited to come and yesterday & this morning – the place has been alive with Indians in gay & festive attire – all painted and stained & dressed in brilliant blankets and feathers & porcupine quills & skins. They are to have a big feed & the power of our guns & mortars are to be demonstrated to them. Time is up and I must close. Give my love to all, and remember me most kindly to the Cameron’s. Tell Jack I will write to him as soon as possible.

Your own

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec. 22nd.

The last few lines of the last crossed page were written this morning. I got up in the usual time & had a cup of tea went over to the Hospital polished off the sick & came back to have another cup of tea & a smoke, and to talk with Lizzie. I have your letter just at hand and am reading it over and – how would you like a sharp criticism upon it? But don’t get alarmed, I am too glad to get your dear letters. My criticisms will be reserved for yourself, - when I gather from the tenor of your letter that you are overlooking yourself or not taking sufficient care of yourself. On your way to St. Catherines you must have formed a pleasant party. I know Mr. William Mulock very well. I boarded with him at Mrs. Whitney’s for some time, & altho’ he is a University man and an avant Grit & a lawyer – I like him. It must have been quite a meeting at the Hamilton Junction. Mannie also told me of it in his letter. I am glad to hear that Harry Carling is better. My darling tell me truly now are you not well? I do not like to hear of your needing a tonic but if you do of course it is better that you should take it. I hope the need has long ere this passed away.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dec. 21st.

The shortest day in the year and terribly short too it appeared. As usual this morning I got up had breakfast & went to the Hospital & soon got through the list. There are two men in Hospital – one from a slight attack of Rheumatism the other with a bilious attack pretty near as bad as those that Jack is at times troubled with. He is nearly all right now. I heard that some medicines have arrived which I ordered some time ago and spent the entire morning looking up the truth of the report. It turned out that some medicines had arrived but they belong to the Veterinary and not to me. It was after three o’clock before I managed to get any dinner & the sun had gone down before I was ready to start for Kanonsis. I found Brooks better and quite willing to eat some tea & toast with a little butter that I brought down to him. I came up again but it was a cold walk the wind blowing so strong that on the river on the slippery ice – I had to sit down at times - & could only get across by taking advantage of the lulls in the wind. You may imagine from that that it was a very strong wind. I got into camp late for tea and am now writing to you. I did not feel hungry so did not take any trouble to get any tea. I intend going over to the Hospital again this evening before very long to read a little medicine with my Hospital Sergeant. The I will be ready for bed. I hear that there will be two or three chances very soon to send in letters to Benton. I hope so, and now must go. So Good night for the present – perhaps I will have time to write a few more lines when I get back. I had to go over to Denney & tell him about some bear skins he wished me to see about. I got talking there until very late and chess being mentioned I brought over the chessmen and sat up with Denney until after 12 o’clock playing three games. I came out the best – he beating me one.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday – Dec. 20th.

The month is rapidly going down the old year is gradually coming to end and the New Year replete with new hopes, new desires, new fears, new plans for the future & renewed feelings of love towards my own darling. You will not I am afraid that you will not get this until after New Years – but let me wish you such a Happy New Year and such a merry Christmas that you will not miss me so much. This morning I was up in good time about 8 o’clock had breakfast which was exactly the same as dinner and supper – viz Buffalo steaks & bacon bread & tea – then the sick call going I polished them off & came back to have a smoke and write to you – talk to you as I feel I am doing. Poor Ned Armour. I can’t see why he deserves a whipping even if he does play the part of a thunder-cloud. I am very glad that you have come to like him. My watch kept very good time & kept going all along the march – until the 13th of October when we arrived at our last camp when it stopped and nothing would induce it to go. The other day I thought I would try it again, so after fiddling a while with the works, it began to go and has kept on for the last few days. All my sketches will not be a great many – and besides I have sent two of them to Col. French – one like that of the Fort that I am sending you – the other an interior view with the guard mounting. I will try before another mail goes out – to get you a good view of the square – surrounded by the buildings. It will give you an idea of what I see when I look out of my window. I went down to Kanonsis again this afternoon to see Brook and find him steadily progressing. I am still very fearful for him. On my way down I saw Col. MacLeod and Capt Winder returning – they have been away to two or three days down to Fort Whoop Up to collect the customs duties on the various goods – imported since last May. They waved their hands to me – and I replied. After I came back I went down to see our interpreter Jerry Potts. I wanted to get a tanned & dressed Buffalo skin smoked in order to have a pair of pants made of it – he has a tobacco bag – such as the Indian use – for me. they call it a fire bag, they carry in it their flint & steel killikinik tobacco & pipe. I will have it as an ornament hanging in the room. I must now say Good Night. After I tell you that we have had no church service today only one Sunday since we have been here – have we had church parade. Our Mess Room is not yet fitted up – so we did not have dinner in it to day as we expected. So Good night my love and pleasant dreams attend you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday, Dec. 19th

Good morning Liz. How do you feel this bright sunny morning. No worse for the snow? Last evening it began snowing about 7 o’clock and continued for a few hours about 6 inches of snow has fallen. I was up pretty late last night reading some anatomy. So this morning I did not get up until nearly nine o’clock breakfast was ready but just as I sat down the ‘Sick Call’ went and I had to go to the Hospital. This occupied me about an hour – then I came back finished my breakfast. After breakfast I had a smoke then took a bath. Now I am writing to you. To return to your letters. So Father wrote to you did he? He did not say anything about it to me in his letter I received since I have been here. I am very glad that he did write to you. I am so very sorry to hear of dear Aunt Lou’s illness. If you could only known her and the history of her hard life, you would pity her more & love her still more. So you have been to Chicago. I suppose I will learn all about it some time or other. I sincerely hope that you will soon be able to make up the lost pounds of flesh. Try and guess how much I weigh. I was weighed the other day and balanced the scales at 153 lbs!!! I think that 160 will be reached before I reach Toronto. The enormous weight ought to show you that I am and have been in good health. I will tell you if I am not well – even as I expect you to tell me. say the right thing to Miss (I beg pardon) Mrs. Bethure for me – will you be so kind? Does Miss Wright know that you have my phiz for her? I promised her one, but if she does not want it I know Fergie would be glad to get it. So do as you think best old woman. There goes the dinner bugle – and I will have to stop. I am going down to Kanonsis this afternoon to see my man. I went down after dinner and took my carbine along thinking to come home through the bush on the farther side of the river and perhaps get a shot at a deer. I found Brooks about the same. Examined another man’s eyes & this made it so late that it was too dark to hope for a shot on our way home. I got back just in time for tea. We had Buffalo steak & bacon for tea, with the concomitant bread and tea. I eat heartily and had a smoke. Then played a game of chess with Jackson who after a hard fought game beat me. I then set to work to finish a sketch of the Fort which I took some time ago. And now I am with you. I intend sending this sketch to you – the long building prominent in the front is the officer’s quarters. The windows in the corners are in the room next to mine, the stove pipe coming thro’ the roof on the front side is from our room & comes out very nearly over the foot of my bed. Speaking of beds reminds me that I only got the bed since I came into Quarters. The little building to the left, with the chimney is the guard room & is on the same line as the officers Qus. The Row of buildings on the right behind the tent are the ‘C’ or ‘F’ Troop Barrack Rooms those behind are the stables in the corner that can’t be seen in the sketch is the Hospital. The ground plan I will draw on the back of the sketch. I cannot give you exactly the dimensions of everything just now as I have partly disremembered them. The following is a plan of ‘C’ Troop Offrs Qrs. Of course things are not in proportion in the annexed diagram but it will give you an idea of how we are arranged in the tent, I mean house. One good thing is that we need not go outside to get into the Mess Room – we go thro’ the kitchen into the Mess Room – also the door looking in upon the Quadraugh is closed up for the winter. It is now getting very late old woman & I am getting sleepy so good night. The wind is blowing a ‘howler’ tonight.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Fort MacLeod, Dec. 18th 1874

Now for one of those grand Diary Letters! Do you not feel very much frightened at being the repository of secrets which weigh down to the ground the mighty medicine man of the Palefaces? If you do not – then all I can say is that you do not show a proper respect for the aforesaid man of Power – (& Pills). I feel very happy my darling – happier and more contented than I have for many a long long weary day. Your dear letters have infused new life into me. the fond assurance that you are well in spite of little slips of a sore lip of a cold & a feeling of weakness & tiredness on the slightest exertion fills me with Joy. How have I not imagined you – in all possible ills that human flesh is heir to – having in the wild delirium of fever or knowing in dire pain – and calling on me to help you and I far away & ignorant of it all and even if I knew of it utterly powerless to aid you and unable to come to you. Many a night I have lain awake torturing myself with these painful reflections. But now they give place to a happier train of thought I know my little girl is taking care of herself if not for my sake then for her own and is enjoying herself too. I am so thankful dear, that you have so many kind friends who are able to comfort my darling & distract her thoughts from one gloomy subject like myself – knowing as I do that the distraction is only from the gloomy side of the picture & that pleasant scenes & pleasant friends tried to engender pleasant thoughts, even in one of a melancholy somber turn of mind – how much more then in my own little girl. Last evening I read over all your letters – the first time I only glanced over them looking for the latest news of yourself – last night however I only labeled the envelopes with dates & read them in chronological order. I forgot to tell you that yesterday noon I received another batch of letters – from you written in November from St. Kitts – and one from Ted Covernton. I can only give you nothing for your Tinytype. I am so wholly yours I have nothing left to give you – but my and that will never fail, it is like the old fairy tale of the jug of milk the more they used the more there was to use or little the Widow’s cruse of oil – never failing. Your tobacco pouch needs no apologies & what care I for severe judges on the prairie or elsewhere? did they make the pouch? Could money purchase [ ] one? No--- what then do you mean by making excuses for it, it needs none. At the same time I have no strong objections to supervise the manufacture of the next. I had to stop here for dinner was just being put on the ‘table’ (which is a large packing case raised from the ground on a 10 gallon alcohol case) and consequently I had to decamp after dinner I went down to see my sick man being offered a seat in the sumptuous conveyance I gladly accepted the offer & drove down on a hay rack – four in hand team trotting across the frozen country – no springs. I digested my dinner well. I found my patient ever so much better & a good sign was that he was asking for something to eat. He will I think recover from this attack but I cannot say so much of the next. I had borrowed a rifle from Denny one of the officers - & walked towards camp through the bush on the opposite side of the river – thinking to see some prairie chicken or hares – but I was not fortunate and came in feeling nicely tired & hungry as a wolf. It was now too dark to do anything inside the room so I went over to the hospital and found some putty & began puttying the panes of glass in my window. I continued to do this until it was too dark even for that & then the bugle sounded – for the guard to fall in – and I watched the adjutant inspect it – and the officer of the day march it off & relieve the old guard. It was now tea time – and I fell to with a will. Then taking off my boots & putting on my slippers – do you recollect making them for me? the black ones with the bunch of flowers & my smoking cap – do you remember that? The philosopher. Did you object so much to being caught in a philopoena as you do to losing a bit? Then filling my pipe I lit it of course & began reading the ‘mails’ Jack sent me. then tossing these aside I talk to my own little dear & first of all let me crave your pardon for not having before given you a real diary letter. My reason was the absurd scarcity of paper. You could not get any there was none in the country – but now I have received my stationery (a or e?) I will be very culpable indeed if I do not fulfil my promise. I want to speak about some little things in your letters. I am very much obliged to Miss Louisa Chisholm for making you take so much outdoor exercise – it is good for you. If she would only make you go to bed earlier it would be better still. The idea of trotting about all day and then sitting up to such unconscionable hours – half past one! Why did you not sit up all night? Don’t do it anymore Liz – even to write to me. Poor Frank – I had heard nothing about his illness. His brains were afflicted than his spine. Then he had some reason in what he said about his head going to sleep. Poor fellow. How they used to teaze him about that speech at the Cameron’s. I am so glad he is getting better. Tell him that I wrote to him - & if I had known of his weak state Especially the brain – I would have written a very simple letter – with no word of more than one syllable. I am really very sorry for him – but I feel so happy in hearing from you & also in the knowledge that he is now out of danger that I may be excused from Joking at him.

I am very glad old woman that you have come to like Ned Armour – he is a really good kind hearted Christian thoroughly earnest & as warm hearted as he is undemonstrative. Ned and I were always good friends – especially when by his laziness & being led away by Ned Burke he lost the scholarship at Trinity – since then each year has only cemented our friendship more closely. I am glad now that I am not at Edmonton. Very glad, indeed. Then the only chance of a mail would have been the H.B.Co.’s Wireless Packet & they would not have been able to bring all the mail matter for us. My old horse is picking rapidly & getting quite strong – when I left him to go to Benton I scarce expected to see him again – but since he has been here he has had no work to do but an occasional ride down to Kanonsis where my sick men were – Now old ‘Satan’ has gone to Sun River to pass the Winter. I wonder if he will forget me when he is away.

I too am glad my precious darling that you wrote that letter. You have no idea of the sense of overwhelming comfort it gave to me on the wild prairie. It seemed to make one feel at once that I was not lost that I was in my Father’s keeping – and that the spirit of your prayers hovered over me and that I was not even alone. And since then I have as before talked to your dear handwriting on the envelope – but now I could open it and hear you answer me. You would often have laughed to hear me asking the senseless bit of paper with some ink scratches on it the gravest questions and keeping up a conversation with it. Many a time too Old ‘Satan’ has no doubt cogitated on my sanity. For while we were on the march, he walking along beside me – I would talk to him about you by the hour & when I saw his bright eye of which alas! grew very dim before we got to our journey’s end I glance at me – I would throw my arms around his neck lay my head against his and tell him I wished it was you. The poor old fellow would stop & look at me so sorrowfully – as much as to say – “Now don’t take on so – all will come right in time”. Then perhaps we would see a little piece of the prairie which looked not quite so parched as the rest & we would make towards it and he would try to get a mouthful to appears that dreadful “Tiger” inside of him. Did you ever read “Blades of Grass” by Farjean? You will then know what I mean by the Tiger.

– Good night –

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fort MacLeod, December 16th 1874

My Dear Liz

This is a day that must ever be marked with a white store – for today we, I speak collectively for the force, received a portion of mail matter. I got a letter from Jack dated Oct. 11 Yours of Oct. 5th, 9th, 12th, 19th, 26th – one from Mannie of the same month – some from Aunt Ellie & Mannie of Oct. 16th also some copies of the Mail – for which I am deeply thankful. You will receive at the same time as this a letter from me – complaining very much of the letters not coming. I had almost begun to fancy something was wrong – but the fact that no one received letters made me feel that the wrong lay in the transportation. Thank God my darling that you are well. How many many times the dragging thought has haunted me that you might be ill and I not at hand to help you take care of you. All day long I have been so busy getting a list of drugs & medicines required that had to go by Major Walsh who left at 12 to day - & he had not been gone an hour when the letters came I spent the afternoon reading your letters but can hardly answer any questions. I was only cognizant of the fact that I was reading your own dear letter and I knew you to be well. I have not read any of the other letters but Jack’s. I find I have an opportunity of sending this letter after Major Walsh & can only hurriedly say that I have received yours. I am well that is all I can say. Well – everything has an end and so have long periods of time – perhaps I will one day receive your other letters – which are now wandering somewhere between Toronto & Fort MacLeod and the North Pole & the Equator.

I will just look over your last letter again. So you are in St. Kitt? Remember me most kindly to Miss Taylor and so my promotion & increase of salary is good news is it? Don’t you think that the natural consequences of that will be to lengthen my stay here? Perhaps you ought to look at it in this light viz that I am here for the purpose of making a sum of money that the larger my salary is the more rapidly will that sum be accumulated and consequently the sooner will I return. I must say that I can hardly give credence to the report. How did Dr. Thorburn know anything about it? However if you mean what you say – Old Woman, beware! I may stay out here for a longer time than at present I expect to. But if you do not want me there will be no object in my going back too soon. Your letter did not reach me in time for my Birthday nor late enough for Christmas. I hope that you will get this about New Year’s day. Thank you ever so kindly for your beautiful Tobacco pouch. It is quite acceptable I hope sincerely that I will superintend the making of the next one – perhaps too I will ‘catch’ you at it. I was going to reread your letters & answer any questions I might find in them but find that if I read I can’t write so I will only write. While I was still reading your letters this afternoon, I had to go down to Kanouse’s to see one of my sick men. He is poor fellow very ill I do not think that he will ever recover he may get over this sharp attack, but is liable at any moment to suddenly drop dead. Poor fellow – he is his grandmother’s only grandchild & had lived with her all his life – never having been away from her until he came on this expedition. He must have been longing to see the wrinkled old face & to hear the tremulous accents of his old second mother – to hear from her or of her – and here I was in the bloom of health blessed with news from my loved ones, while he poor chap lay suffering in mind & body without one scrap of comfort. It seems so hard. I talked with him a long time and it was quite dark when I got back & found tea waiting and your letters still unfinished & Jack’s & Mannie’s & the Home letter & Ned’s all to be read. I first went to the Colonel & told him I wanted some one to go down & sit up with the sick man – went & got the likeliest man for that purpose and made up some medicine for him – gave directions how it was to be taken – came in had tea – lit my pipe and then finished your letters & Jack’s & the Home one. I think you must be mistaken when you say that mother has suffered so much with her ear and eye. Aunt Ellie says it is Aunt Lou & if it were Mother what would she be doing way up in Philadelphia. I must close now with fervent heartful thanks to the glorious giver of all good things & with my best love to my own Lizzie.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Fort MacLeod, December 14th 1874

My dear Lizzie

You will guess by the reappearance of this style of paper that I have received my valise from Fort Edmonton and I can only praise your rapid perception I have they came in today brought by the man MacPherson who I believe I told you left us at the St. Mary’s River to go to Edmonton, and has only just returned, taking just about two months. I was dreadfully disappointed at not receiving any letters. Mr. MacDougall the missionary, when he was here said that there was a large mail for us at Edmonton & had raised our hopes to almost a certainty & to be thus disappointed is too exasperating. However there are two more chances by which we may get letters and if both of these fail why I think I had better settle my brains for a long long winter’s nap of silence and anxiety. Major Walsh went to Helena & Sun River got what letters there were in Benton & brought them on – but none for me. I have written you by every possible chance – and this is to go tomorrow & has to be in the orderly Room tonight by 9 o’clock. I am going to try and be patient & still hope for a line from you – but it really seems as tho’ fate was against the Police force receiving letters. I hope that my letters have not miscarried. Have you received any from me? the only letter I have had at all was one from Father in answer to one I wrote him from Fort Benton. I wrote to you at the same time. The last letter I wrote you we were in the midst or had just had a severe spell of cold weather. After that it moderated considerably and for the past few days have been very mild. We are still in our tent. The Officers Quarters are so near to their completion that we propose taking up our residence therein tomorrow. We have had the walls & roof covered with old lodge skins which will prevent the mud from coming down in such quantities as to smother us, and will also keep out a good deal of wind. Another comfort in the house will be that when it blows we will not lie awake all night with our clothes on to be ready to jump and run whenever the tent blows down. Not that the tent ever had blown down with us, since we set to work to prop it up securely but the wind blows with such fearful violence & the tent shakes and flaps to such a degree that one imagines the next gust will surely bring it down.

When I have told you of the weather and our present conditions and of our future residence & of our disappointments hopes & expectations there will be nothing left to tell – no news – no nothing. You would not care to hear that it took Major Walsh 40 days to go to Sun River and back. You might think it all right but the trip is generally made in 5 days. Nor that it took Thomas’ teams 28 days to come from Fort Benton here – a trip that has been made in 2 ½ days you would probably ask who Thomas was & want to know if 28 days was a long time. Thomas has a hard time to come through he got caught in the snow storm on a large bit of burnt prairie, the cattle could not travel in the storm and they could not live on nothing hence they did the only thing they could do which was die & accordingly they did. The men were left out on the open prairie without wood, a team of horses had to go back 30 or 40 miles for wood, but finally the men & wagons came in all right. But not until oxen were sent down to haul them in. Helena Montana is nearly starved out on account of all the provision trains being stuck in the snow. So you see the Mounted Police are not the only ones who can lose horses and cattle on the plains. What have the papers said of us? I suppose you have heard some queer old stories concerning the Police. Col. MacLeod has been appointed Customs Agent for this portion of the North West Territories and has created no little dismay among the traders around, by sending to get an account of their stock. They seemed to think it peculiarly hard that not only should their most lucrative trade in whiskey be stopped but also the slower mode of trading goods should be heavily taxed. However they will get over that or leave the country. I have not been able to get a good sketch of the Fort for you yet as the Fort is not yet finished, but I trust will soon be able to do so. It is a very hard thing to sketch if you get about 100 yards away from it you can scarcely see it, it is so low and if you get very close to it you can’t put it on paper.

My hospital is quite a comfortable place. I have a large box stove with a big drum which keeps the place warm & room for ten beds – a kitchen is attached to the place. I have a Hospital Sergt. & an orderly, who are under my complete command, & all the sick are of course to do exactly what I tell them. Our Sick list now never numbers more than 10 or 12 – at one time it reached so high as 45! Mostly colds - & no wonder – sleeping as they then were in tents without fires where their heads would be frozen to the ground in the mornings & their breath congealed over the buffalo skins & on the tents in big frost showers, working all day – in moccasins full of holes – or in boots without soles & in many many cases without socks. It is only wonderful that not more were attached with acute inflammatory afflictions.

And now I must say good bye to you my darling – write me soon directing to the care of I.G. Baker & Co. I print the directions for fear of mistakes – with love to all & kind regards for those who care to enquire after me. Believe me undoubtingly yours with fondest love.
