Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fort McLeod, June 16th, '75

My darling Lizzie

Again I nearly had a fit of Les diables blues – but I fought them off. Was I not brave? Baker left this morning – the mail was sent down to him at three o’clock this morning. The day turned out pretty fine and we had some cricket. In consequence of the late heavy rains & warm rains – the river had risen pretty high. Our bridge is in danger of being carried away – the middle pier has been so washed out that it has sunk about a foot & a half. If the water rises no higher the bridge may remain steady.

A lot of Indians have been coming in, North Peagans - & the Kootanies are expected in. Father Scullen is waiting here until they come – after that he intends going up to the mountains. I intend trying to go with him – some half breeds are also going up with us – to fish. If I get away I expect to have a very pleasant time. I will also try and take some sketches of mountain scenery.