Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13th

This morning sick parade was held at half past eight to allow Father Scullen to have Mass at 9 o’clock, and hardly was Mass over before the other churches had their parades. At Mass we had all the Half Breeds over – it was quite a sight to see all the women with their shawls of all hues drawn over their heads and their sparkling bright eyes – roving round the room – in spite of their devotional attitudes. After lunch I had three or four patients to attend to amongst the Half Breeds and then in the afternoon I went for a walk with Capt. Winder down to the bridge. While there we met a couple of men – one a half breed the other a white man – followed by two women half breeds, one about 25 years old in a pink dress and pink sun bonnet – carrying a baby strapped to a board – the other much younger about 15 – very freckled and short and stout in a chintz dress of a Dolly Varden pattern and a bright shawl drawn over her head. All on horseback and all [ ?] their horses [?] fashion. Our curiosity was roused. We proceeded to investigate the affair [?] to find out who they were. Our diligence was rewarded for we discovered that they were from Whoop Up and had eloped to be married by Father Scullen. Think of that, a runaway match in the North West! Father Scullen married them this evening. I was very sorry that I could not see the ceremony but I did not.

This afternoon just before dinner we were visited by a very heavy thunderstorm which passed directly over our heads. My how it did rain – my room was again a mass of water but as I had taken the precaution of putting everything destroyable under cover I got nothing wet.