Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12th (July 12th 1875)

Dear me I never noticed until just now that I have dated this page one month ahead of time. However it does not matter a great deal at present. This morning we are to play our Return match with Subconstables. Our match began at 10 o’clock and we finished our Innings apiece by dinner time. We were ahead by 21 runs, making 42 to their 20. The second Innings they made 50, one man Uniacke [?] scoring 25. We then took the bat and all our wickets went down for 10. Thus we were defeated. I lay the cause of our defeat down to you. Yes, you need not exclaim and cry out “Me”. I mean you Et.Bt. [?]. But possibly an explanation may be owing to you. In our second Innings while we were fielding a cavalcade was seen approaching over the hill. Of course we all became excited and spyglasses were brought into requisition by the spectators and they kept on calling out what they saw and of course we fielded badly and allowed them to make runs. Just as the match was finished Conrad drove up just from Benton and bringing a mail – and as I had a couple of letters from you I therefore lay the blame upon you. Yes letters have come again. I got two from you of the date May 3 and 10th. I also got one from Father dated May 20th telling of Saida’s safe arrival In Savannah. Also one from Aunt Ellen from Athens dated [?]. And one from Loulie from Burlington of May 15th and one from Harry Stotesbury [?] of May 10th. Also one or two papers for which please return my sincere thanks to Jack for the chess. O your dear letters – how I do love to receive them, so trustful, so loving, rambling, mixed up and badly written. But never mind. I won’t take this occasion for criticizing them or anything else. I spent the afternoon reading them and tomorrow will read them over again – and now Good night my darling and God’s blessing be upon you. Good night again.

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